Garhawal Village🛖

"I was want to go for a visit to a Garhwal village for a long time and my wait lasts with this trip hear I share my experience in this awaited journey. When my friend said to me that he had been planning to go to his village for some spiritual traditional worship in his village and I can join them in that, I was so excited🙃. The next morning 🌄I packed my bags🧳 and waited eagerly for the day with enthusiasm in my heart I started this unforgettable journey. We arrive at the Neelkanth Road and Journey begins with BhootNath temple as in the start of the journey we get some local information that on our planned way there was an Elephant🐘 on the way so we take another way to start. We started our trek of 12-15 km 🧗which is good but if you think about the steepness of the way then it is terrifying😨, don’t think that it was easy because the way we traveled was so steep that throughout the journey we all were holding our stomach with each bump of the road🥵. At t...