Memorable celebration🎊

 " that was a rainy day, Air was wet and full of moisture, I was on my regular routine of my evening walk to Ganga River bank, where we (friends) play some games and enjoy a little. there was a bit extra enjoyment in my heart at that day because of my birthday (21 July). I was expecting some celebration on behalf of my friends and suddenly my expectations came true, I smell a joy of celebrations in the air and there was a surprise birthday celebration. Although every party is a pre-planned but when things happens accidental, then it really feels you a joy of  heaven because in anexpecting things you don't know what comes next, which is the most exploring things and enjoyable as well. Although i am not against the pre-planning"

 "Now come to the next part which is a birth treat in returned from my side. So we all go to the nearest cafe to us and have a littele eat and fun together, take some camera clicks for memory and then I suddenly received a call from my Home because I was late at that day, it was already 9:00 PM. So we packed up and I run for the Home. And hear a next Surprise came into picture my Family also wait for me to celebrate birthday party and they all set to go already only thing which was missing was me. So at the End I Celebrate One more time at home with Family"

"And Finally a day full of Memories ends with happy mind and it add one more unforgotten chapter in the Book called LIFE"


Written by.   :- Auther(Me)

PC.  By        :- Arun, Shubham, Devansh, Vivek.

Time & date :- 8:00PM & 21st July.

Place             :- Freedome cafe Rishikesh, Uttrakhand, India


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